North Walsham Guide

Save a baby's life

Save a Babys Life courses

Would you know what to do if the Baby you were caring for stopped breathing? Nine out of ten parents dont know first aid facts that could help them save their childs life.

At the two-hour sessions carers of babies will be taught how to deal with first aid skills such as , drowning, choking and Non-breathing infants. Attendees will be taught resuscitation techniques such as Rescue Breathing and Chest Compressions using specialist manikins.

Spaces are limited so please pre-book your place. Babies welcome to attend.
Places are 10 per person or 18 per couple.
For an enrolment formor course details please contact
Maria on Tel: 01953 851916


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Contact Name:
Maria Holloway

01953 851916

For the people of North Walsham by the people of North Walsham.
The North Walsham Guide is maintained by North Walsham residents who 'know their stuff' and every endeavour is made to keep information up to date. Unfortunately things do change without us knowing. If you know any reason why this entry for Save a baby's life is not suitable or no longer current then please do let us know. If you know of any business or organisation who we have missed please either let us know so we can add them or let them know as it's easy and free to register.

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The North Walsham Guide aims to support local businesses or organisations like Save a baby's life by providing this free service because at the end of the day we live and work here too and shopping locally and using North Walsham services helps us all, not just Save a baby's life.